Green Pool Problems – Greater Sacramento Area
Published: Saturday, July 28, 2012
Hey there everybody! We here at Leisure Time hope that your week went well. This weekend is going to get hot with temps in the mid 90’s. Also, the Garlic Festival is going on in Gilroy, so be sure to check that out!. Anywho, being that its the summer time, we get lots of calls regarding all sorts of pool issues; from cleaning tips to pool sweep problems. However, one of the most frequent issues we hear about is the issue of a “green pool”. Though it may seem like a simple, easy-to-fix problem, green pool cleanups are one of the most annoying and costly of all pool problems. The reasons could be many. Maybe your pool pump isnt being run throughout the day as much as needed. Maybe there is too much debris in your pool and your pool sweep isnt working. Or maybe your pool just isnt being serviced/cleaned thoroughly. Whatever the case, green pools take work and usually money to effectively fix.
Here are some different types of algae that may cause a green pool:
Green Algae: An extremely common variety, green algae will usually rear its ugly head immediately following a hazy condition in the water from a lack of proper filtration and/or sanitation. It is frequently found free floating in the water, although it also will cling to the walls. It reduces water clarity and is thereby distinguished from severe copper precipitation, which will impart a clear, green color to the water. Varieties of green algae also appear as “spots” on surfaces, particularly rough areas, or places where circulation is low. They also show up as “sheets”, where large wall sections, or even the entire pool, is coated in green slime…UGH!
Yellow Algae: A wall clinging variety, also called mustard algae, is usually found on the shady side of the pool. It is sheet forming, and can be difficult to eradicate completely. Once begun, a pool owner could spend the entire season fighting yellow algae; re-infection is common. This variety is resistant to normal chlorine levels and must be dealt with firmly. Hit it hard!
Black Algae: Perhaps the most aggravating strain of algae, it can be extremely difficult to eradicate completely. This is not entirely accurate, but the difficulty in removing it fully is due to the strong roots and protective layers over top of the black algae plant. Black algae will appear as dark black or blue/green spots, usually the size of a pencil eraser tip. Their roots extend into the plaster or tile grout, and unless the roots are destroyed completely, a new head will grow back in the same place. The heads also contain protective layers to keep cell destroying chemicals from entering the organism. Like yellow algae, black strains can bloom even in the presence of normal sanitizing levels and proper filtration. I was once told that this form of algae commonly enters a pool inside the swimsuit of a person who’s recently been to the ocean.
Pink Algae: Not really an algae at all, but a form of bacteria. Appears as spots or streaks in corners and crevices. It is slow to spread and rare that it will bloom over an entire pool.
If you suspect that there is even a hint of green in your pool, ask your pool tech or give us a call to inquire about an algecide treatment. This chemical can erradicate algae before it hits your pool hard!
If your pool looks green/brown and you cant see the deep end or even the shallow steps of your pool, give us a call immediately to find out what it will take to fix this problem!
See ya next time!