Automatic Pool Sweeps Can Save You Time, Energy, and Money – Greater Sacramento Area
Published: Friday, June 15, 2012
Hey everybody!
Sorry for the hiatus, but we have been EXTREMELY busy here at Leisure Time. So much, in fact, that we have hired three new employees! Brittany – Pool Technician, Carlton – Repairs, and Ray – Office Manager. They will be happy to help you with anything you need! Anyways, the Summer is here and we have been getting a lot of calls regarding gunk, goop, and dust at the bottom of the pool. There could be many reasons for this; debris, increased algae because of the sunlight and heat, etc… It is very difficult and time consuming to clean the pool floor by hand or with an extended brush. The solution is a POOL SWEEP! This will save you time, energy and money. Don’t risk having your swimming pool become green because you cannot brush swimming pool floor!
Here is some brief info on different types of pool sweeps.
Robotic sweeps are powered by low-voltage electricity, rather than the primary pool pump or a booster pump. They can save energy and wear and tear on the pool’s primary pump and filtration system. This type of cleaner has a built-in filter you’ll need to clean occasionally.
Pressure side sweeps attach to the return (pressure side) of the circulation system. They use the power of the water pressure to pick up dirt and debris and collect it in an attached bag. The best pressure-side cleaners are designed to clean effectively without the need for a booster pump, saving energy and money.
Suction side sweeps attach to one of the suction ports in the pool – the plumbing that pulls water out of the pool to be filtered. Usually, this port is the skimmer, or the pool may have a separate vacuum port especially for a pool cleaner. The cleaner moves around the pool while vacuuming dirt and debris through the hose and sending it to the pump strainer basket and filter.
Till’ next time!